Monday, December 2, 2013

Calendar Time - SMART Board Style

I created this calendar routine for the SMART board after one of the teachers I was volunteering with mentioned that she would like to start using the SMART board more in her daily classroom routines.  I suggested that it would be quite easy to set up something for the calendar.  She agreed that it would be easy to implement, but didn't know how to go about actually creating it using the notebook software.  That's when I got the crazy idea to create a calendar routine for her.  After many hours of staring at the computer, I can now say it's complete and she is using it daily in her classroom and the kids just LOVE it!

This calendar routine reflects the things that we collaboratively agreed were important to include in calendar time.

They are:
1. Monthly calendars where students input the numbers which creates a pattern.  This page also has a section for Today is, Yesterday was, Tomorrow will be.

2. Days in school two ways.  The first way is using place value and hundreds blocks and the second way is using tens frames.  These two pages lead up to the students writing the number of days in numerals.

3. The weather.  There are two pages for the weather.  The first is a weather wheel where you select the type of weather and then write it in a sentence.  And the 2nd page is a monthly weather graph.

At the end of all the calendar pages I have also included some instructions how to use each page and tips to help out teachers who are new to the SMART Board.

This is my first attempt at selling something on TpT.  I'm hoping it goes well and that I can continue to share my creations with others.  Previously, the husband and I had each put one freebie online and were pleasantly surprised with how many downloads we each got.  Now it's time to see if anyone is will to pay for the things we make.... fingers crossed!

Click here to download this from TpT: